Following a problem in the “Advanced Search” window and in the event that you perform several different searches, we suggest that after each search; either at the invitation; invit please select ; either click on the button  avanceebouton4en and then click on the button avanceebouton3en
This will erase your previous request and you can make a new one again and so on.
We are working to find a solution.
Please excuse us for this inconvenience.
  • Update: 2023-12-11 20:31

Advanced search


Search for a value - Simple choice

To search for a title, you must click on Advanced Search.
In the pop-up window, you have the option to choose several Elements of the database, that is: 'Title name', 'Head office', 'Country of the head', 'Country of activity' and 'Theme(s)'.
Under condition, you have the choice between 'Equals', 'Different from', 'Starts with', 'Contains', 'Ends with', 'Greater than', 'Less than', 'Is empty', 'Is not empty'. The default condition is set to 'Contains'.
The 'Contains' condition applies for complete or incomplete text, example :
Looking for action l’Ikelemba, you must select the title name in element, the condition 'Contains' and in value the name or part of the title. It is also the same condition for the head office.
As regards the other elements, the 'Country of the head', the 'Country of activity' and 'Theme(s)' ; the condition is 'Equal' must be applied since the values are included in drop-down lists.
In the case of the title name, do not search for the word’s company, general, railroads, society or anonymous society (in french, chemins de fer, compagnie, général(e), société ou société anonyme) ; these words are often truncated. 
Note: Searches of a few characters can lead to a long list; in this case you can either modify the condition or add a filter with the condition 'Head office' or other (see multiple choice functionality). Examples of queries are described below

Good search.

Search for a value - Multiple choice

To search for a title with a multiple choice, you must click on Advanced Search.
In the pop-up window, you have the option to choose several elements of the database, that is: 'Title name', 'Head office', 'Country of the head', 'Country of activity' and 'Theme(s)'.
Under condition, you have the choice between 'Equal', 'Different from', 'Starts with', 'Contains', 'Ends with', 'Greater than', 'Less than', 'Is empty', 'Is not empty'. The default condition is set to 'Contains'.
The 'Contains' condition applies for complete, incomplete, or uncertain text; It is also the same condition for the head office.
As regards the other elements, the 'Country of the head', the 'Country of activity' and 'Theme(s)', the condition is 'Equal' must be applied since the values are included in drop-down lists.
For the multiple query, you can add one or more filters, either :
1st Filter > item Title name + condition = contains + element the title name ;
2nd Filter > element Country of activity + condition = Equals + choice in the value drop-down list.
You will have a list of titles based on the wording of the title and the country of the activity.
In the case of the title, do not search for the word’s company, general, railroads, society or anonymous society (in french, chemins de fer, compagnie, général(e), société ou société anonyme); these words are often truncated.
Note: Searches of a few characters can lead to a long list. Examples of queries are described below

Good search.

Some examples of queries for an advanced search

Important :

Following a problem in the “Advanced Search” window and in the event that you perform several different searches, we suggest that after each search; either at the invitation; invit please select ; either click on the button  avanceebouton4en and then click on the button avanceebouton3en. This will erase your previous request and you can make a new one again and so on. We are working to find a solution. Please excuse us for this inconvenience.


Here, if you are on the "Database" submenu.

To search for a title, you must click on the "Advanced search" link.

Let's see what happens by clicking on the link "Advanced search"

On the next screen, you must choose the item either "Title name", "Headquarters", "Country of headquarters", "Country of activity" or "Theme(s)".

The default condition is "CONTAINS", this condition allows you to search the database for the name or part of the name included in the "Value".

Various buttons :

avanceebouton1en This button allows you to add a filter for the multiple search


avanceebouton3en This button launches your request

avanceebouton5 These two small buttons remain, the two arrows enlarge the window, the cross allows you to exit the "Advanced search" window

avanceebouton2 This button allows you to delete a filter add for multiple search.

avanceebouton4en This button erases the filters you have entered

Now let's do some research :

Here, the search is on the Title Name in "Element", Contains in "Condition" and CITA in "Value"

The choice here was made on a title name with a few characters, or a large list with 27 pages and 269 values that contain the value "CITA". To avoid this, and if you are sure that the title begins with "CITA", you can refine your query by putting the condition "Starts with" or the condition "Equals", but here too you must be sure that the value contains only "CITA"; the easiest way is to add a filter to arrive at an Advanced Search "Multiple choice".

For a better overview, the "Advanced search" window has been enlarged with the button.avanceebouton6

Compared to the previous search, an additional filter is added "Headquarters country" with a condition "Equals". It is important to choose the condition in your choice; here, the "Headquarters country" is a drop-down list whose condition must be "Equals". In this example, I did a "Multiple Choice" search.

The next screen, by adding to the advanced search an additional filter "Headquarters country" with a condition "Equals", the list is reduced to 7 values.

In the following search, a "Multiple choice" search is launched with three searched elements: "Headquarters", "Headquarters country" and "Theme(s)"; my conditions are respectively "Contains", "Equals" and "Equals"; my values are respectively Charleroi, Belgium (drop-down menu) and Metal & Enginer... (drop-down menu).

The day I made my query, the system found two values.

Following an "Advanced Search" multiple choice, a new query was launched on the name of the security "Citas" and country of the seat "Belgian Congo". The result is displayed on the next screen.

We find the name of the security, the issued capital, the date of issue, the color of the security, and the photo of the security.

Here, by clicking on the photo, you can already see the title in large format.

avanceebouton7 The magnifying glass button is used to display information on the title.

Next screen gives you information about the value.

Several features can be found on this page:

Existe aussi en émis Also exists in issued Here for this title, there are two identical titles for the same program, the title presented is not issued and the title issued is visible through the link.

avanceebouton9 This button exits the page and returns to the list.

avanceebouton10 The question mark button next to the fields gives the explanation.

Here you can also click on the title to enlarge it.



All photos on this site are protected by Copyright © ABS 2021 - 2024, any person wishing to use them must first receive the agreement of the Association.
The old securities (stocks and bonds) and financial documents presented have no market value, they have only a collection value.



Belgian Association for Scripophily N.P.O.

Avenue de l'Equinoxe, 18
B-1200 Brussels
Company number : BE 420507371
RPM Tribunal de l’entreprise francophone de Bruxelles
GSM : 032(0)494 04 99 16

Account :

Code IBAN : BE98 3200 1739 4493

Association Belge de Scriptophilie A.S.B.L. 

Avenue de l'Equinoxe, 18 
B-1200 Bruxelles 
N°  d'entreprise : BE 420507371
RPM Tribunal de l’entreprise francophone de Bruxelles
Portble : 032(0)494 04 99 16

Compte bancaire : 

Code IBAN : BE98 3200 1739 4493